
Monday, 25 January 2016

Learn to Sew in the Territory

Is your sewing machine unloved? Has it been lying around the house gathering dust? Did you just receive a new machine for Christmas and want to learn how to use it?
If you have answered yes to these questions then read on! 

Is there a New Baby on the way? Do you love buying one-off handmade pieces?

Want to stand out from the crowd of K-mart, Target and Portman wearing masses?

Well STOP buying and start creating your own Treasures and Memories.  

Hi, my name is Leanne and I have a passion. I love to sew and create things. At The Sewing Room NT I offer sewing lessons, dressmaking projects, and hen's parties. When you come to The Sewing Room NT, it's just like your very clever friend teaching you and a few more friends how to sew.

Join a class and learn sewing techniques that will allow you to create beautiful and individual pieces. Garment Construction Courses and One Day Workshops with me will give you the freedom to develop these skills in a comfortable and positive environment. A maximum of 6 students per class ensures personal, attentive tuition.

If you have had a machine lying around, now is the time to make a New Year resolution and use it. Word of warning this is a very addictive hobby. I run small classes in Zuccoli, NT. Clink on the links for all available dates, times, fees etc. Students simply need to bring along their sewing machines, thread, buttons etc to the classes. 

Don't have a machine? Not sure if you want to invest in one. Want time to figure out if this hobby is for you. I have 2 machines on hand if that sounds like you. However, trust me, after a class you will be hightailing it to the nearest sew shop to purchase one for yourself - I did say THIS HOBBY IS ADDICTIVE!

Did I forget to mention that you can bring your children along. Yes, Yes I know the break away from them is a wonderful thing, the gentle hum of a sewing machine, or 4, the ability to concentrate, I mean actually concentrate, to be able to take your mind off the kidlets, to be FREE, YIPPEE!! To have excellent and sometimes downright shameful conversations with ladies who could turn out to be that friend you've been waiting to meet......Ah so many wonderful things about sewing. 

But yes you may bring your children too. 

I look forward to helping you achieve your sewing goals and, develop your love of sewing.

Leanne xo