
Instructions for the Sewing Basics Class


Looking forward to meeting you all on Saturday. Please take note of the following steps before you get to class.

Step 1 - Pick a pattern that says EASY 

Will save you in time and tears 

Step 2 - Measure yourself 

Do this BEFORE you buy a pattern as what you wear in the real world will be smaller than a Commercial Pattern. E.G. in Target you may be a size 12-14 & in a pattern you could be an 18 - 22!!! You may stop crying now. 

PDF Fit Brochure  - Click this link it will take you to google - the third site down is a downloadable PDF file. Read it and fill out page 2 using your measuring tape. 

Best to fit yourself in your underwear, standing in front of a mirror (if possible) or get someone to measure you if you have that option. 

Once you have recorded your measurements you are ready for step 2

Step 2 - The Back of the Envelope tells you what & how much to buy 

Click on the link - it's the most straight forward site on the net. Have a read of it as it explains CLEARLY what the back of the envelope is telling you to buy. 

Step 3 - Get Shopping (make sure you take your measurements with you - i.e. page 2 of the FIT brochure)

Ok here's the bad news - Spotlight can be a bit unhelpful sometimes depending on the experience of the gals behind the desk. BUT if in doubt - ASK!!! 

2nd bit of bad news most patterns speak in Yards - Good news a Yard is just over a Metre so if in doubt by 20cm more. Hey it's better to be over than under - right??

ALSO take note of the direction of the print - you don't want to be wearing your pattern sideways!! Make sure those flowers for instance are growing straight :) 

1 Metre = 1.1 Yards

Make sure you buy your notions and any elastic if the pattern calls for it - especially those romper people. 

IF you are using my baby Romper pattern - see Baby Rompers for the shopping list.  Don't worry about the KAM snap tool you can get that later. I have one handy in any case. Spotty sells plastic snaps - a bit more costly that Green Beans or E-bay but when in need....

Step 4 - Meet me at ...

9 Warbird Street 

number: 0498105204 - please cancel by Thursday so that others may have a chance to get to the shops and class. 

Any questions please call or e-mail

Happy Happy :) :) 

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