
Baby Harem Pants (Intermediate)

Baby Harem Pants (intermediate)

  • 1 - 1/2m fabric (light-medium weight woven or knit fabric - quilting cotton, poly cotton, rayon, jersey knit, cotton lycra, linen, chambray, cotton lawn, voile & poplin)
  • 1m of 1/2'' (12mm) elastic for waistband size 0000 - 0 or 3/4'' (19mm) for sizes 1+ 
  • Medium weight interfacing (Highly recommended for knit fabric) Best is Whisper Weft
  • Sewing Machine and general sewing supplies 

NOTE Jersey Knit!!! - you will need to change your sewing machine needle to a ball point needle. Knit is a whole different ball game and takes practice and skill to perfect. So your harems may not look perfect if you attempt this for the first time - but it will be good for a laugh :)  

What you will learn 

  • Basics of stretch/knit fabric types, pattern markings and pattern placement
  • To use overlocker (supplied) and machine stretch stitches, needles and equipment selection
  • Attaching cuffs and waistbands

What you get - Pictured :) Awwwww 

Cost $90 for 3 hours 


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