
Cancellations and Booking Policy

Cancellations of Bookings Policy

  • If you provide notice seven or more days prior to the start of your course, you will need to pay an administration fee of $20.
  • Cancellations or changes made with less than seven days notice before the start of a course, will forfeit 50% of the paid class fee.
  • Cancellations or changes made less than 48 hours prior to class commencement will forfeit the full course fee paid.
  • If you miss the second or subsequent sessions of course, you cannot be reimbursed for that session. 

Transfers of your course or workshop booking to a friend or family are fine.

Payment Policy:

  • Classes frequently become fully booked, so I require full payment to be made at the time of booking to secure your place. Payment can be made conveniently via direct debit or in person. Unfortunately, I can't tentatively hold or pencil in places without payment.

On occasion, I am forced to cancel a class due to low booking numbers. I really don't like to do this as I love to teach people to sew, but if I don't cover my costs I can't run the class. In instances where I must cancel a class, enrolled participants will be notified 24 hours or more prior to the scheduled class and will receive a credit for a replacement class or a refund as required.

Thank you for reading all the details.

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